Findings and Discussions

Between 23rd February 2010 and 23rd March 2010, we conducted a survey on Internet Addiction among Faculty of Multimedia Students, Multimedia University Cyberjaya Campus. A total of 30 questionnaires were distributed around the campus during class and off class hours. Below are the findings and discussion based on the data collected. Data is presented in the form of charts for easy reference. Each tabulated data is then described and analyzed.


Marking Scheme to evaluate level of Internet Addiction.

11 - 32 points: An average online user. May surf the Web a bit too long at times, but still able to control.

33-43 points: Experiencing occasional or frequent problems because of the Internet.

44- 55 points: Internet usage is causing significant problems in life.

Figure 1: Percentage of Internet Addiction among Foreign Students of Faculty of Multimedia Year 2010

Figure 2: Percentage of Internet Addiction among Local Students of Faculty of Multimedia Year 2010

Figure 3: Percentage of Internet Addiction among FCM’s Students in Multimedia University Year 2010

The questions are specifically designed to measure the level of addiction among FCM students in Multimedia University in Cyberjaya Campus. The surveys are done on both local and foreign students. There are two types of questions which are ‘numeric’ and ‘Yes/No’. The numeric questions are to measure the level of addiction. The Yes/No questions are to identify reasons behind long hours in front of the computer. The results are then divided into two. Separate results and combine results. This is done to seek differences between local and foreign students.

Based on the information gathered, none of them are chronic internet addicts as shown in the pie chart; Figure1. 67% are average users and 33% are mild internet addicts. On the other hand local students showed different results. Figure 2 shows 50% of them are average users, 20% are mild internet users, and 30% are chronic internet users. Combination between foreign and local students can be seen in Figure3. A total of 58% are average users, followed by 26% mild internet addicts and 16% chronic internet users.